Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The "mom's" visit

Dave and I were lucky enough to have both of our mom's make a road trip down to AZ to visit us. We sure like that they are good friends and it made for a fun trip. We did the typical Jensen outings- went out to dinner at The Cheesecake Factory, Cafe Rio and Ling and Louies (think Thaiphoon). We also went shopping with Ryan as our tour guide, the moms knitted, diane (the energizer bunny) went to the gym daily and also enjoyed the sun, they cooked us dinner and mom made lemon bars, but the main event they came down for was Chases' football game. We had a great time at the game. Ryan and Jodi came with us and while it wasn't the high scoring game that it typically is, it was a a close game which makes things exciting. It was 7-0 for us with about 2 minutes left, when the other team scored. They decided to go for 2 pts to get the win, but FH held them. Chase played well and was recognized several times for some really solid hits and plays. The weekend ended with a Sunday dinner and a flat tire...dave- were you trying to get out of church or just get us there on time? ;)


Anonymous said...

Look at you! You totally have pics up AND descriptions of what they are! I still haven't done a THING with mine...everyone at work keeps asking to see them and I'm just like...whatev...still recovering from vacation!

Tiff Gatten said...

That's fun. It's so nice to have your mommy cook for you. It seemed like your mom was always in the kitchen when we were growing up. She looks great.

Ronifer269 said...

Where's your brother?

Anonymous said...

I know your Mom had a great time and loves visitng you. So, are you ready for the "extended" trip coming up? Just more time for fun.
love you both

Anonymous said...

Hi Heidi, Thanks for the publicity on your blog. We sure did have fun there and now we are looking forward to another visit. I love your home. It is like a resort but much more tastefully decorated. See you soon. Love you, Mom

Anonymous said...

Heidi - Thanks for the beautiful tour of Europe. (I want to be a peasant in VErsailes!) Awesome places to visit, so glad you got to go and enjoy. Thanks for sharing and have a great Thanksgiving with family
love you